Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Country: Georgia

  • Fund
    Living Expenses
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Assistance Desk: Individual Support
    Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporters Without Borders International
    Legal fees if you are wrongfully prosecuted; Resolution of most urgent needs if you decide to flee abroad because of threats and persecution; Support to threatened journalists to find a safe refuge; Financial and administrative support for families of journalists to cope with the consequences of the reprisals to which their loved-ones have been exposed; Financial and administrative support for medical care if you are a victim of violence due to your work.
  • Fund
    Berlin Scholarship Program
    Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporter ohne Grenzen Deutschland
    Reporters Without Borders Germany offers journalists from war zones and crisis areas the opportunity to take a break in Berlin for four months and complete a training program in digital security
  • Fund
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Black Journalists Therapy Relief Fund (BJTRF)
    International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF)
    Mental health support
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Boris Nemtsov Fellowship program
    Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom
    The maximum duration of a fellowship is 6 months. The number of awarded fellowships depends on the available funds.
  • Advice
    Digital Safety
    Digital Security Helpline
    Access Now
    24/7 rapid-response emergency assistance for people under digital attack
  • Fund
    Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa)
    A safe place to recuperate, cope with trauma, and when possible, to network and further develop their professional skills
  • Fund
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Emergency Assistance Program (EAP)
    Freedom House
    Frontline Defenders (FLD)
    Legal representation and trial monitoring; Humanitarian assistance and dependent support; Equipment replacement if confiscated or damaged; Improving physical security of home or office; Medical expenses, including psycho-social support; Temporary relocation, including for dependents affected by the threat.
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Emergency Fund
    Civil Rights Defenders
    Funds for security improvement (for example digital security software); Legal Aid; Humanitarian support; Funds for security improvement (for example specific security improvements like steel doors or security cameras); Psychosocial support; Emergency fund for temporary relocation.
  • Fund
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Emergency Fund
    International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF)
    Legal aid to counter threats of imprisonment or censorship;  Small grants for psychological and medical care for incidents directly related to threats and crises caused by your work; Three months of temporary relocation assistance in the event of crisis or threat.
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Emergency grant for human rights defenders at risk
    Emergency financial and material support for digital security; Emergency financial support for legal fees; Emergency financial support for humanitarian assistance (including family support); Emergency financial and material support for physical security; Emergency financial support for medical support (including psychosocial support and rehabilitation); Emergency financial support for relocation
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Emergency material support to human rights defenders at risk
    OMCT World Organisation Against Torture
    Funds for digital security; Material support; Legal support for human rights defenders who are being judicially harassed; Humanitarian assistance (including family support); Funds for physical security; Medical support (including psycho-social support and rehabilitation) to defenders who have suffered a medical condition as a result of their peaceful human rights activities; Support for temporary relocation where necessary
  • Fund
    Living Expenses
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Gene Roberts Emergency fund
    Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
    Logistical support to journalists when they resettle in exile; Placement in safe havens and short-term emergency; fellowships around the world; Basic living expenses; Funds for psychosocial support and medical aid; Legal support fund.
  • Fund
    Help in need
    Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporter ohne Grenzen Deutschland
    Emergency relocation to a safe host country (mostly Germany) Housing and medical care Assistance through protracted asylum procedures Family support
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Incident Emergency Funding
    Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP)
    Measures to address the psychological and psychosocial impacts of digital threats; Replacement of professional equipment and journalistic material (hardware or software) which has been taken, lost or stolen as a consequence of the type of work; purchase of more secure hard- or software and costs related to implementation of the new systems; technical or non-technical activities to respond to urgent issues such as internet blockages; training or accompaniment on digital or other security issues; measures to improve physical security (which…
  • Fund
    Journalists-in-Residence Milan
    Q Code Magazine
    Max. six months residency in Milan, Italy Development of a tailored support programme: covering lodging expenses, financial support, counselling in digital security and in legal protection tools, psychological counselling and support, professional counselling, development of a possible public visibility plan (publication of the beneficiary’s own work, conferences, collaboration with media outlets) monthly stipend of 1000 euros visa costs and travel expenses to and from Milan
  • Fund
    Journalists-in-Residence Programme
    European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
    Temporary relocation programme to Leipzig, Germany safe and discreet place to continue investigating and publishing, to rest and to recover (max. 6 months) rent-free, furnished apartment in Leipzig health insurance and psychological counselling (optional) monthly stipend of 1,000 euros travel expenses to and from Leipzig (arrival and departure) visa costs participation in journalism-related training workshops networking opportunities a workplace in the ECPMF office and the opportunity to work (pro bono) with ECPMF’s press team on self-selected subjects
  • Fund
    Living Expenses
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Le Fonds d’Urgence
    Agir ensemble pour les droits humains (AEDH)
    Subsistence costs to cover a legal or judicial assistance, covering legal costs when you are sued or filed a lawsuit; Subsistence costs to meet most basic needs for you and/or your family in exceptional situations; Subsistance costs to cover medical needs after an assault; Financial support for temporary national or local relocation.
  • Fund
    Legal Defense Fund
    Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
    Basic legal support for: A lawyer or legal expert and other legal fees Support in prison Initial assistance for family of detained media workers
  • Advice
    Legal intervention
    Article 19
    Legal interventions, amicus briefs
  • Advice
    Legal Support
    Centre de la Protection Internationale
    Consultations, strategic advice and representation in domestic courts and/or international human rights institutions
  • Fund
    Legal Support
    European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
    Financial support to cover lawyer’s fees and assistance in accessing relevant legal representation; General guidance; Access to expertise in policy and law making; Engagement in national or international litigation; Provision of independent analysis, observation or advocacy around a case.    
  • Fund
    Litigation Track Support
    Digital Freedom Fund (DFF)
    Support for litigation of a case through multiple instances, from first instance through to the final appeal. Example: a challenge before the European Court of Human Rights against police use of facial recognition technology.
  • Fund
    Living Expenses
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    PEN Emergency Fund
    PEN International
    PEN Nederland
    Financial support for general living expenses; Financial support for medical assistance; Financial support for a safe passage
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Practical support fund / Reporters Respond
    Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
    Digital security resources that help you to circumvent censorship and communicate safely and securely; Security training  (on location or online); Subsistence costs: short term support if you are not able to work, or costs to temporarily flee an unsafe or vulnerable situation; Family support: temporary support for family members of journalists who are unable to work, who are imprisoned, or who are deceased; Professional equipment: digital tools like VPNs for online protection and work materials in exceptional cases; Medical assistance:…
  • Fund
    Pre-litigation research support
    Digital Freedom Fund (DFF)
    Support for activities to prepare for planned litigation. This could include legal research, evidence gathering, forum selection or identifying claimants and project partners.
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Protection Grants
    Frontline Defenders (FLD)
    Grants to improve physical security, digital security and communication security (including office security and individual security); Legal fees if you are being judicially harassed; Family assistance for imprisoned HRDs or family members who are at risk because of a HRD’s activities; Medical fees for HRDs if you have been attacked or have suffered a medical condition as a result of your peaceful human rights activities
  • Fund
    Reporting scholarships
    Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporter ohne Grenzen Deutschland
    Research & Recharge Fellowship and Digital Freedom & Safety Fellowship Temporary escape from threats and repressive measures Support when it comes to bureaucratic hurdles Puts scholarship holders in contact with other journalists and media
  • Fund
    Rest & Respite
    Frontline Defenders (FLD)
    Providing some time out in a safe environment (in Ireland or elsewhere) while enhancing your skills so that you can work more effectively when you return home.
  • Fund
    Rest, reflection & recharging
    Defenders in Dordrecht
    Short stay in Dordrecht, Netherlands for reflection & recharging if under pressure Including: shelter; modest contribution to livelihood; care as needed; social network; opportunity to acquire certain expertise or skills (e.g. self-care, safety, stress management), depending on the individual preferences; depending on the guest, we organize exhibitions, film screenings or discussion evenings for Dordt’s public.
  • Fund
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Safety Fund
    International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
    Financial support for litigation when help with legal fees is required; Medical expenses if you are injured; Travel costs to cover journeys to a place of safety; Financial support in exile due to threats at home.