Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Country: Germany

  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Protection Grants
    Frontline Defenders (FLD)
    Protection Grants can pay for provisions to improve the security and protection of human rights defenders and their organisations including, but not limited to: improving physical security of an organisation or individual, digital security and communication security; supporting legal fees for HRDs who are being judicially harassed; paying for medical fees for HRDs who have been attacked or who have suffered a medical condition as a result of their peaceful human rights activities; providing family assistance for imprisoned HRDs or family…
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Reporters Respond: Emergency & Legal Support
    Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
    Medical assistance: for injuries sustained in the course of the journalists work; Subsistence costs: short term support for journalists who are not able to work, or costs to temporarily flee an unsafe or vulnerable situation; Legal defense support: legal representation for journalists facing prosecution, disputable lawsuits, or any other form of legal intimidation related to their work; cover the costs of judicial proceedings; assist media workers that have been arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (and their families); Psycho-social support: advice, referral,…
  • Fund
    Reporting Fellowships
    Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V. (RSF Germany)
    The fellowships provide a protected space in which the selected candidates can continue to work on and complete their journalistic project. The project should be realizable within the set time frame of six months (in image, sound, or writing) and highlight new aspects and thematic points that are of relevance for the society. The goal is to publish the project result and, if possible, present it at a public event.
  • Fund
    Rest & Respite Programme
    Frontline Defenders (FLD)
    Providing some time out in a safe environment (in Ireland or elsewhere)
  • Fund
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Safety Fund
    International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
    Financial support for litigation when help with legal fees is required; Medical expenses if you are injured; Travel costs to cover journeys to a place of safety; Financial support in exile due to threats at home.
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Living Expenses
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Security Grant
    Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism (UAF)
    Fast and flexible support to respond to unexpected risks and opportunities, protect and care for themselves and one another, and nurture feminist movements
  • Fund
    Shelter Cities
    Justice and Peace
    Temporary refuge in one of the Shelter Cities Safe space for three months A space to rest and re-energize Tailormade support Security training Wellbeing activities Skills and knowledge development The opportunity to network with allies
  • Fund
    Temporary Relocation
    Hamburg Foundation for Politically Persecuted People
    Temporary relocation to Hamburg, Germany
  • Fund
    The ICORN Programme
    International Cities of Refuge Network (ICORN)
    A residency for a period of 2 years to continue working on projects in one of the ICORN cities worldwide, including: grant covering living costs and accommodation; access to public services in the country/city of residence; and travel expenses related to relocation; building and developing professional networks and opportunities during the residency.
  • Fund
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Therapy Fund
    Rory Peck Trust (RPT)
    The Rory Peck Trust’s Therapy Fund covers the cost of treatment for freelance journalists who would benefit from professional psychological support. Financial support for psychological treatment