Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Temporary residency programme

What is covered?

A residency for a period of 2 years to continue working on projects in one of 70 refuge cities worldwide, including:
  • grant covering living costs and accommodation;
  • access to public services in the country/city of residence;
  • and travel expenses related to relocation;
  • building and developing professional networks and opportunities during the residency.

Ways to reach out:

Contact details and support information were last reviewed on July 24, 2024.

Important information about time and eligibility restrictions, as well as further requirements:

Writers, artists, and journalists who are able to document professional literary, journalistic, and/or artistic production, and who are facing documented and/or credible threats and/or persecution for expressing their ideas and opinions through their work and activities.

  • At risk as a direct consequence of their writing or artistic production
  • Sentenced to, or at risk of being imprisoned
  • Unable to express themselves freely

Calls for new applications will be announced on the website.

The support offer is designed for: