Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Target Group: Whistleblowers

  • Advice
    Free legal help
    Free legal support if you are based in England or Wales. Barristers can: Represent you in any court/tribunal; Give legal advice in a meeting or over the phone; Give legal advice in writing; Draft documents such as skeleton arguments.
  • Fund
    Digital Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Incident Emergency Funding
    Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP)
    Measures to address the psychological and psychosocial impacts of digital threats; Replacement of professional equipment and journalistic material (hardware or software) which has been taken, lost or stolen as a consequence of the type of work; purchase of more secure hard- or software and costs related to implementation of the new systems; technical or non-technical activities to respond to urgent issues such as internet blockages; training or accompaniment on digital or other security issues; measures to improve physical security (which…
  • Advice
    Legal aid
    Hungarian Civil Liberties Union – Társaság a Szabadságjogokért (TASZ)
    free legal aid and occasional legal representation oral or written information about regulations and about our professional experiences depending on the content of the case, we recommend other civil rights protection organizations to our clients
  • Fund
    Legal Support
    European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
    Financial support to cover lawyer’s fees and assistance in accessing relevant legal representation; General guidance; Access to expertise in policy and law making; Engagement in national or international litigation; Provision of independent analysis, observation or advocacy around a case.    
  • Fund
    Litigation Track Support
    Digital Freedom Fund (DFF)
    Support for litigation of a case through multiple instances, from first instance through to the final appeal. Example: a challenge before the European Court of Human Rights against police use of facial recognition technology.
  • Fund
    Pre-litigation research support
    Digital Freedom Fund (DFF)
    Support for activities to prepare for planned litigation. This could include legal research, evidence gathering, forum selection or identifying claimants and project partners.
  • Advice
    Request for assistance
    Pro Bono Italia
    legal assistance, rendered voluntarily and free of charge