Legal Aid
Trade Union Of Macedonian Journalists And Media Workers (SSNM) – Самостоен синдикат на новинари и медиумски работници (ССНМ)
Fees for the lawyer concerning labour rights, in the proceedings in court etc.
Legal Assistance
National Union of Journalists (NUJ)
The following services are available: Employment law Copyright and intellectual property Free consultation Injury and accidents at work Injury and accidents outside of work (Personal injury claims) Work-related crime Media law Asylum and immigration Conveyancing – buying or selling a property Wills and probate Emergency advice when covering major events
Legal Assistance
Pro Bono Italia
Legal assistance, rendered voluntarily and free of charge
Legal Fees
Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) – Ένωση Συντακτών Κύπρου (EΣK)
Legal advice and assistance, payment of legal fees
Legal Protection
Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA)
Offering legal protection to journalists who are punished for expressing their thoughts
Legal Support
Centre de la Protection Internationale
Consultations, strategic advice and representation in domestic courts and/or international human rights institutions
Legal Support
Deutsche Journalistinnen und Journalisten Union (dju) in ver.di
Legal support in the field of work and social matters
Legal Support
Deutscher Journalisten-Verband (DJV)
Legal support
Legal Support
Gewerkschaft GPA
Legal counselling and support
Legal Support
Hungarian Press Union
Mostly through personal contacts they can involve quite good labor lawyers in the consultation. In an emergency, they give some minimal money maximum once or twice a year. They provide holiday services in four spas and one apartment on Lake Balaton at a very affordable price, in some cases, if there is space and demand, even for free
Legal Support
Independent Journalists’ Association Serbia (IJAS) – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS)
Legal advice for all journalists and media workers Court representation just for members
Legal Support
Sindicato Dos Jornalistas (RJ)
Partnership with a lawyers firm: all the legal support a journalist needs is covered, without any costs of the lawyers, only the expenses related to legal procedures due to Portuguese legal system
Legal Support
Syndikat novinaru Ceske republiky
Free of charge telephone legal support Refutation of false or misleading statements by public officials or officials in the field of the right to information Consultation of the wording of requests for information, appeals and complaints Specification of what information and in what form you are entitled to
Legal Support Programme
European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
Financial support to cover lawyer’s fees and assistance in accessing relevant legal representation; General guidance; Access to expertise in policy and law making; Engagement in national or international litigation; Provision of independent analysis, observation or advocacy around a case.
Litigation Track Support
Digital Freedom Fund (DFF)
Support for litigation of a case through multiple instances, from first instance through to the final appeal. Example: a challenge before the European Court of Human Rights against police use of facial recognition technology.
Permanences Juridique et Commission Arbitrale
Syndicat National des Journalistes (CGT)
Legal support
Pers Vrij Heids Fonds
Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ)
Nederlands Genootschap van Hoofdredacteuren
To initiate and support legal proceedings of a fundamental nature that continue to allow the professional group to do its work as freely as possible; Defending freedom of the press in the broadest sense of the word to make funds available for conducting fundamental proceedings, which should enable the freedom of the press of the Dutch media and more specifically the operation of those media in the most optimal unhindered conditions
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Protection Grants
Frontline Defenders (FLD)
Protection Grants can pay for provisions to improve the security and protection of human rights defenders and their organisations including, but not limited to: improving physical security of an organisation or individual, digital security and communication security; supporting legal fees for HRDs who are being judicially harassed; paying for medical fees for HRDs who have been attacked or who have suffered a medical condition as a result of their peaceful human rights activities; providing family assistance for imprisoned HRDs or family…
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Reporters Respond: Emergency & Legal Support
Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
Medical assistance: for injuries sustained in the course of the journalists work; Subsistence costs: short term support for journalists who are not able to work, or costs to temporarily flee an unsafe or vulnerable situation; Legal defense support: legal representation for journalists facing prosecution, disputable lawsuits, or any other form of legal intimidation related to their work; cover the costs of judicial proceedings; assist media workers that have been arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (and their families); Psycho-social support: advice, referral,…
Legal Support
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Support in Exile
Safety Fund
International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
Financial support for litigation when help with legal fees is required; Medical expenses if you are injured; Travel costs to cover journeys to a place of safety; Financial support in exile due to threats at home.
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Support in Exile
Security Grant
Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism (UAF)
Fast and flexible support to respond to unexpected risks and opportunities, protect and care for themselves and one another, and nurture feminist movements
The Emergency Line
Dansk Journalistforbund (DJ)
Emergency law on media support We can offer you help in the following areas: Media responsibility; Police and press; Press ethics; Professional activities abroad; The rules of the Penal Code on photography.
Legal Support
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
The Journalist Support Fund
Suomen Journalistiliitto – Finlands Journalistförbund
The Fund has contracted crisis therapists who are versed in the area of threats to journalists and with whom consultations can be made at short notice paid for by the Fund. Legal support on 3 levels: 1) Five lawyers at the Union. They help members in all legal matters related to work. 2) Insurance for legal expenses (covers the compensation of such expenses incurred in the course of work. A written consent from the union is needed in order to…
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
The Safety Fund
International Media Support (IMS)
Urgent legal assistance; Urgent medical assistance; Family support in cases where the journalist has been killed or rendered otherwise incapable of supporting the family; Relocation, safe houses, evacuation out of the country or region.