Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Support: Support in Exile

  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Boris Nemtsov Fellowship program
    Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom
    The maximum duration of a fellowship is 6 months. The number of awarded fellowships depends on the available funds.
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Emergency Assistance
    Journalisten helfen Journalisten (JhJ)
    Subsistence costs, support for family
  • Fund
    Living Expenses
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Gene Roberts Emergency fund
    Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
    Logistical support to journalists when they resettle in exile; Placement in safe havens and short-term emergency; fellowships around the world; Basic living expenses; Funds for psychosocial support and medical aid; Legal support fund
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Help in exile
    Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporter ohne Grenzen Deutschland
    Support in asylum procedures, preparing statements Providing lawyers Financial assistance in individual cases (attorney fees, costs for German language courses, etc.) Support of professional integration
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Journalistic Voices Diversified
    Evens Foundation
    This programme aspires to create an environment that could offer participants the opportunity to pursue their career in Europe through a temporary traineeship placement and mentoring.
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    JX Fund – European Fund for Journalism in Exile
    The JX Fund
    Running costs Launch of a new independent exile media Re-launch of an established independent media in exile. Possible costs: Team relocation, salaries, fees (incl. taxes), office / studio, technical equipment, software licences, development of communication channels (e.g. website), capacity building (e.g. SMM, fundraising, language courses), consulting / services (e.g. lawyers, realtors, psychotherapists), travel expenses, other
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Opportunities for journalists in exile
    European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF)
    Funds can be used for: Your professional development: financial support during internships, for journalistic training and workshops, for language courses If you need legal support If you are looking for psychosocial support In exceptional cases: for equipment up to 500€
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Re-Start Careers
    The Refugee Journalism Project
    Journalism-related workshops Mentoring Work experience placements or internships at media organisations, NGOs or charities
  • Fund
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Safety Fund
    International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
    Financial support for litigation when help with legal fees is required; Medical expenses if you are injured; Travel costs to cover journeys to a place of safety; Financial support in exile due to threats at home.
  • Fund
    Physical Safety
    Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
    Support in Exile
    Security Rapid Response Grant
    Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights (UAF)
    Quick, flexible funding for legal support; Quick, flexible funding for psychosocial support; Quick, flexible funding to respond to security threats; Quick, flexible funding to respond to security threats or unexpected advocacy opportunities
  • Fund
    Support in Exile
    Temporary shelter
    La Maison des Journalistes
    Temporary shelter in Paris, France Housing, meals and transportation (max. 6 months) in Paris; Administrative, legal and social assistance; French language classes; education