Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Language: English

  • Organisation
    Sindicato Dos Jornalistas (RJ)
    O Sindicato dos Jornalistas visa integrar todos os jornalistas que trabalham para a imprensa, a rádio, a televisão, as agências noticiosas e as publicações editadas por qualquer meio electrónico. O Sindicato dos Jornalistas luta intransigentemente pela defesa dos direitos, individuais e colectivos, e pelo escrupuloso cumprimento dos deveres, em particular deontológicos, dos jornalistas, pela defesa intransigente do seu direito de acesso à informação, em nome do direito dos cidadãos a serem informados com rigor e seriedade.
  • Organisation
    Sindikat novinarjev Slovenije (SNS)
    Sindikat novinarjev Slovenije je reprezentativni poklicno-strokovni sindikat, ustanovljen 6. marca 1990 v Kopru. Kot nacionalno združenje novinarjev je sindikat polnopravni član Mednarodne novinarske zveze (IFJ) s sedežem v Bruslju.
  • Organisation
    Slovensky Syndikat Novinarov (SSN)
    Slovenský syndikát novinárov (SSN) je nezávislá organizácia novinárov, založená 5. januára 1990, ktorá združuje zamestnancov tlačených, rozhlasových, televíznych a digitálnych médií, tlačových agentúr a tiež nezávislých novinárov a publicistov. Je členom Medzinárodnej federácie novinárov (IFJ) a Európskej federácie novinárov (EFJ) so sídlom v Bruseli. V súčasnosti má SSN približne 2000 členov.
  • Organisation
    Solidarity Fund PL – Fundacja Solidarno´sci Miedzynarodowej (SFPL)
    Solidarity Fund PL (SFPL) activities are dedicated to development cooperation. SFPL focuses on supporting democratic transformations, building civil society, developing good governance principles and local democracy, as well as sharing experiences on economic and systemic transitions. SFPL supports free media and human rights organisations. When necessary, SFPL also engages in humanitarian relief operations. SFPL is one of the key actors in Polish development cooperation sector. SFPL efforts are guided by its Supervisory Board chaired by the minister of foreign affairs…
  • Organisation
    Suomen Journalistiliitto – Finlands Journalistförbund
    – Suomen Journalistiliitto on ammattiyhdistys. Siihen kuuluu noin 14 000 jäsentä. Jäsenet ovat journalisteja, media-alan tai viestintäalan ammattilaisia tai töissä kustannusalalla. Jäsenistössä on myös alan opiskelijoita ja eläkeläisiä. – Liitto neuvottelee työehtosopimukset ja auttaa jäseniään erilaisissa työhön liittyvissä asioissa. – Journalistiliiton erityistehtävänä on puolustaa journalismia ja sen eettisiä sääntöjä. Liitto edistää sananvapautta. Viestintäpolitiikassa päämääränä on turvata median monipuolisuus.
  • Organisation
    Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ)
    SYNDICAT NATIONAL DES JOURNALISTES – premier syndicat français de journalistes
  • Organisation
    The European Liberal Forum (ELF)
    The European Liberal Forum (ELF) is the official think tank and political foundation of the European Liberal Party, the ALDE Party. Together with 47 member organisations we work all over Europe to bring new ideas into the political debate, to provide a platform for discussion and to enable citizens to make their voices heard.
  • Organisation
    The Fix
    About The Fix and the coalition We were launched as a publication that looks for solutions to the media industry’s huge business, technological and organizational problems. Literally, “the fix”. We are a trade magazine for media professionals. A paper for us, and about us. The Fix has deep roots in Ukraine. Our co-founder Daryna Shevchenko, is currently the CEO of the Kyiv Independent and currently in Kyiv. A second co-founder, Jakub Parusinski, is the former CEO of the Kyiv Post.…
  • Organisation
    The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM)
    The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) is an institute of advanced studies in the humanities and social sciences. Founded as a place of encounter in 1982 by a young Polish philosopher and two German colleagues in neutral Austria its initial mission was to create a meeting place for dissenting thinkers of Eastern Europe and prominent scholars from the West. Since then it has promoted intellectual exchange across disciplines, between academia and society, and among regions that now embrace the global…
  • Organisation
    The JX Fund
    The JX Fund is helping media workers quickly and flexibly to continue their work after they have fled war and crisis zones. It aims to strengthen independent media in exile beyond a current phase of high attention and to support the building of sustainable media outlets accessible for their home countries. The continued work of journalism in exile will have to provide the independent sources of information that will make future democratic developments in their home countries possible. Without them,…
  • Organisation
    The Refugee Journalism Project
    The Refugee Journalism Project supports refugee and exiled journalists to re-start their careers in the UK. It was founded in 2016 and is based at London College of Communication, part of the University of the Arts London. These journalists arrive in the UK with an impressive range of skills – many have been editors, correspondents and producers in their own countries – but they lack agency and face significant barriers when they attempt to continue their journalism in the UK.…
  • Organisation
    Trade Union of Croatian Journalists (TUCJ) – Sindikat novinara Hrvatske (SNH)
  • Organisation
    Trade Union Of Macedonian Journalists And Media Workers (SSNM) – Самостоен синдикат на новинари и медиумски работници (ССНМ)
    ССНМ е водечки репрезентативен синдикат во областа на медиумите кој ги обединува новинарите и медиумските работници во РМ во заштитата на правата на новинарите, слободата на говорот и на слободата на медиумите. ССНМ е важен фактор општеството, кој укажува на сите неправилности кои се случуваат во медиумите, преку креативни методи на работничка борба и преку директни акции се стреми кон слободно новинарство во Република Македонија.
  • Organisation
    Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM) – Sindikat medija Crne Gore (SMCG)
    Sindikat medija Crne Gore (SMCG) osnovan je 13. aprila 2013. godine u Podgorici kao granski sindikat pri Uniji slobodnih sindikata Crne Gore. Cilj SMCG je da bude autentični predstavnik svih zaposlenih u crnogorskim medijima, koji do sada nijesu bili sindikalno angažovani i čije interese niko nije zastupao. Upravo to je bio razlog zbog kojeg je oko 30 novinara i novinarki iz različitih medija dva mjeseca ranije iniciralo osnivanje sindikata.
  • Organisation
    Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti (TGC)
    Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti’nin amacı 19 Ocak 2015 tarihindeki Genel Kurul ’da kabul edilen tüzüğünde şöyle vurgulanır. “Gazete, dergi, radyo, televizyon gibi yazılı, işitsel, görsel ve elektronik iletişim ve internet alanlarını kapsayan gazetecilik mesleğini; mesleğin geleneklerini, ahlak ilkelerini korumak;
  • Organisation
    Turkiye Gazeteciler Sendikasi (TGS)
    TGS NE İÇİN ÇALIŞIYOR? -Patron ve hükümet baskılarına karşı koymak için, -Özlük haklarımız için, -Stajyer sömürüsünün son bulması için, -Gazetecilik faaliyeti nedeniyle cezaevlerinde yatan meslektaşlarımızın serbest bırakılması için çalışıyor.
  • Organisation
    Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) – Ένωση Συντακτών Κύπρου (EΣK)
    The aims and targets of UCJ are clear: To strengthen and safeguard the freedom of the press, to defend the right to free expression and opinion, to protect the independence, freedoms and rights of journalists, to improve their professional position and to regulate the conditions of their employment through a collective agreement, to raise the standard of journalism and to train journalists.
  • Organisation
    Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism (UAF)
    For over 25 years, Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism has funded feminist activists to keep each other and their communities safe while building lasting, resilient movements for justice, equity and liberation. Their holistic, flexible approach enables frontline feminists to respond to real-time threats and opportunities, protect and care for themselves and one another, and sustain and propel solutions to the most critical crises and injustices of our time. Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism partners with frontline feminist movements…
  • Organisation
    Women Photograph
    Women Photograph is a non-profit that launched in 2017 to elevate the voices of women* and nonbinary visual journalists. The private database includes more than 1,000 independent documentary photographers based in 100+ countries and is available privately to any commissioning editor or organization. Women Photograph also operates an annual series of project grants, a year-long mentorship program, an annual skills-building workshop, and a travel fund to help women and nonbinary photographers access professional development opportunities. Our mission is to shift…