Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Medical and Psychological Support
Independent Journalists’ Association Serbia (IJAS) – Nezavisno udruženje novinara Srbije (NUNS)
Discounts on medical services just for our members, preventive for all journalists. Psychological support such as workshops, therapies for now for all journalists.
Permanences Juridique et Commission Arbitrale
Syndicat National des Journalistes (CGT)
Legal support
Pers Vrij Heids Fonds
Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ)
Nederlands Genootschap van Hoofdredacteuren
To initiate and support legal proceedings of a fundamental nature that continue to allow the professional group to do its work as freely as possible; Defending freedom of the press in the broadest sense of the word to make funds available for conducting fundamental proceedings, which should enable the freedom of the press of the Dutch media and more specifically the operation of those media in the most optimal unhindered conditions
Physical Safety
Physical security
Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporters Without Borders International
Travel medical insurance and loan of protective equipment
Social and Legal Services
Slovensky Syndikat Novinarov (SSN)
Financial assistance for journalist during unemployment, medicines, and other social services. Legal advice.
The Emergency Line
Dansk Journalistforbund (DJ)
Emergency law on media support We can offer you help in the following areas: Media responsibility; Police and press; Press ethics; Professional activities abroad; The rules of the Penal Code on photography.