Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Emergency Assistance Program (EAP)
Freedom House
Frontline Defenders (FLD)
Legal representation and trial monitoring; Humanitarian assistance and dependent support; Equipment replacement if confiscated or damaged; Improving physical security of home or office; Medical expenses, including psycho-social support; Temporary relocation, including for dependents affected by the threat.
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Emergency Material Support
OMCT World Organisation Against Torture
Costs eligible for financial support or direct material support to human rights defenders and organisations include the following: physical security; digital security; communications; medical support (including psycho-social support andr ehabilitation) to defenders who have suffered a medical condition as a result of their peaceful human rights activities; legal support for human rights defenders judicially harassed; humanitarian assistance (including family support); support to temporary relocation where necessary; capacity building in security; secure transportation; urgent monitoring, reporting and advocacy; etc.
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Support in Exile
Gene Roberts Emergency Fund
Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ)
Logistical support to journalists when they resettle in exile; Placement in safe havens and short-term emergency; fellowships around the world; Basic living expenses; Funds for psychosocial support and medical aid; Legal support fund.
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Help in Need
Reporter ohne Grenzen e.V. (RSF Germany)
Provide legal representation for arrested journalists. Offer financial emergency assistance, medical or psychological care, and replace destroyed equipment.
Digital Safety
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Incident Emergency Funding
Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP)
Replacement of hardware or software which has been taken, lost or stolen. Purchase of more secure hard- and/or software and costs related to installation of the new systems. Technical or non-technical activities to respond to urgent issues such as internet blockages. Measures to improve physical security (related to information management and digital security). Measures to address the psychological and psychosocial impacts of digital threats and risks.
Living Expenses
Keep Ukrainian Media Going
The Fix
First priority funding: Protection and media equipment purchases and delivery to Ukraine Direct operational and financial support to media in Ukraine Long-term needs: Support for media staff relocation to EU countries Setting up offices and accommodation of media staff in EU countries
Physical Safety
Physical security
Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporters Without Borders International
Travel medical insurance and loan of protective equipment
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Reporters Respond: Emergency & Legal Support
Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
Medical assistance: for injuries sustained in the course of the journalists work; Subsistence costs: short term support for journalists who are not able to work, or costs to temporarily flee an unsafe or vulnerable situation; Legal defense support: legal representation for journalists facing prosecution, disputable lawsuits, or any other form of legal intimidation related to their work; cover the costs of judicial proceedings; assist media workers that have been arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (and their families); Psycho-social support: advice, referral,…
Digital Safety
Legal Support
Living Expenses
Physical Safety
Psychosocial Support and Medical Aid
Support in Exile
Security Grant
Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism (UAF)
Fast and flexible support to respond to unexpected risks and opportunities, protect and care for themselves and one another, and nurture feminist movements