Resources to support journalist safety in Europe


Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) – Ένωση Συντακτών Κύπρου (EΣK)

The aims and targets of UCJ are clear: To strengthen and safeguard the freedom of the press, to defend the right to free expression and opinion, to protect the independence, freedoms and rights of journalists, to improve their professional position and to regulate the conditions of their employment through a collective agreement, to raise the standard of journalism and to train journalists.

The organisation is based in:


Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) – Ένωση Συντακτών Κύπρου (EΣK) is part of the following network/s:

Union of Cyprus Journalists (UCJ) – Ένωση Συντακτών Κύπρου (EΣK) offers:

Languages you can use to communicate with the organisation: