Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Language: French / Français

  • Organisation
    Access Now
    Access Now defends and extends the digital rights of users at risk around the world.
  • Organisation
    Agir ensemble pour les droits humains (AEDH)
    Notre vocation = s’allier avec les acteurs.rices de la société civile engagé.e.s sur leurs terrains dans la lutte contre les violations des droits humains. Nos actions contribuent à renforcer leurs capacités et à soutenir leur émergence.
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    Article 19
    ARTICLE 19 works for a world where all people everywhere can freely express themselves and actively engage in public life without fear of discrimination.
  • Organisation
    Association des Journalistes Professionnels (AJP)
    L’AJP, la VVJ et l’AGJPB assurent ensemble la défense des journalistes professionnels et la promotion de la qualité de l’information. Elles veillent au respect de la liberté d’information et au maintien de conditions de travail correctes pour les professionnels de l’information. Elles fournissent à leurs membres des services collectifs ou individualisés.
  • Organisation
    Association Luxembourgeoise Des Journalistes Professionnels (Aljp)
  • Organisation
    Centre de la Protection Internationale
    One of the Centre’s top priorities is extending support to human rights lawyers, defenders, activists, journalists and organizations who face interference with and retaliation for their human rights advocacy. The Centre provides them pro bono legal assistance (consultations, strategic advice and representation in domestic courts and/or international human rights institutions).
  • Organisation
    Defenders in Dordrecht
    “DiD offers human rights defenders who have been under pressure for a long time a break in Dordrecht – for rest, reflection & recharging People who defend freedom and human rights are under pressure in many countries. Human rights defenders face intimidation, are labeled as ‘criminal’ or ‘traitor’, are arrested or worse. This kind of pressure eventually makes people tired, considering giving up or even leaving their country. A stay in Dordrecht offers a solution: for rest, adjusting tactics and…
  • Organisation
    Digital Defenders Partnership (DDP)
    Our mission is to provide a holistic response to digital threats and create resilient and sustainable networks of support to human rights defenders. To this end, DDP provides emergency response and sustainable protection funding, strengthens rapid responders and local protection networks, increases trainers’ capacities through our Field Building efforts, and contributes to long-term organisational safety through Digital Integrity Fellowships.
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  • Organisation
    Free Press Unlimited (FPU)
    In our ideal world everyone has access to independent, reliable and timely information. To make this possible, Free Press Unlimited supports media and journalists worldwide. Our vision is short and to the point: People deserve to know. All over the world.
  • Organisation
    Frontline Defenders (FLD)
    Front Line Defenders was founded in Dublin in 2001 with the specific aim of protecting human rights defenders at risk (HRDs), people who work, non-violently, for any or all of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Front Line Defenders addresses the protection needs identified by HRDs themselves.
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    Hamburg Foundation for Politically Persecuted People
    The Hamburg Foundation supports politically persecuted people who, be­cause of advocating democracy, freedom and human rights, find them­selves in a dangerous, often life-threatening situation in their native countries.
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    International Federation for Human Rights (fidh)
    FIDH (International Federation for Human Rights) is an international human rights NGO federating 192 organisations from 117 countries. Since 1922, FIDH has been defending all civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
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    Justice and Peace
    Justice and Peace Netherlands is a non-profit organisation based in The Hague that is dedicated to defending and promoting respect for human rights and social justice, worldwide and in the Netherlands.
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    La Maison des Journalistes
    The Maison des journalistes is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting journalists who have been forced to flee their countries because of persecution relating to their line of work. A physical refuge located in the 15th arrondissement of Paris, the Maison des journalists offers these courageous journalists a temporary home and the help they need to rebuild their lives.
  • Organisation
    Media Defence
    Media Defence is an international human rights organisation which provides legal defence to journalists, citizen journalists and independent media around the world who are under threat for their reporting.
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    OMCT World Organisation Against Torture
    The OMCT works with 200 member organisations to end torture and ill-treatment, assist victims, and protect human rights defenders at risk wherever they are.
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    PEN International
    PEN (an abbreviation of Poets, Essayists, Novelists/Playwrights, Editors and Non- Fiction Writers) is a worldwide organization of and for writers, who feel strongly about freedom of expression and the free exchange of literature. More than 140 PEN centers exist in well over 100 countries. The main office is located in London.
  • Organisation
    Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) – Reporters Without Borders International
    Based in Paris, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is an independent NGO with consultative status with the United Nations, UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF). Its foreign sections, its bureaux in ten cities, including Brussels, Washington, Berlin, Tunis, Rio de Janeiro, and Stockholm, and its network of correspondents in 130 countries give RSF the ability to mobilize support, challenge governments and wield influence both on the ground and in the ministries and precincts where…
  • Organisation
    Syndicat National des Journalistes (CGT)
    Le SNJ-CGT a l’ambition de construire des réponses aux besoins sociaux et éthiques des journalistes. Le SNJ-CGT est le syndicat de tous les journalistes.
  • Organisation
    Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ)
    SYNDICAT NATIONAL DES JOURNALISTES – premier syndicat français de journalistes
  • Organisation
    Union Syndicale des Journalistes (CFDT)
    CFDT-Journalistes est l’union des 600 journalistes membres de la CFDT. Ils adhérent à différents syndicats comme le SNME (Syndicat national des médias et de l’écrit) ou l’un des 43 syndicats régionaux (S3C). A la CFDT, les journalistes sont syndiqués dans les mêmes sections que les autres salariés.
  • Organisation
    Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism (UAF)
    For over 25 years, Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism has funded feminist activists to keep each other and their communities safe while building lasting, resilient movements for justice, equity and liberation. Their holistic, flexible approach enables frontline feminists to respond to real-time threats and opportunities, protect and care for themselves and one another, and sustain and propel solutions to the most critical crises and injustices of our time. Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism partners with frontline feminist movements…