Resources to support journalist safety in Europe

Documenting Ukraine

What is covered?

Documenting Ukraine is awarding one-time project grants of 5000 EUR.

The support is provided by:

Important information about time and eligibility restrictions, as well as further requirements:

In its initial phase, Documenting Ukraine is awarding one-time project grants of 5000 EUR. These grants are awarded via two tracks:

  • A limited number of grants are available by invitation, for those nominated by a member of the IWM community.
  • The majority are awarded by open application (see below for details on how to apply).

Examples of eligible activities include but are not limited to:

  • Journalists could apply to continue their reporting.
  • Writers could propose essays or book projects in which they reflect on their personal experience of the war.
  • Scholars could propose conducting interviews with those whose lives have been affected by the war or gathering and processing published materials about the war.
  • Public intellectuals could propose writing or giving interviews for European media.
  • Filmmakers or visual artists could propose projects in their discipline; curators could propose exhibitions.
  • Publishers could propose book projects about the war; translators could propose particular texts about the war for translation.
  • Archive employees could propose documenting the impact of the war on their collection.

Applications consisting of a brief project description (max. 1 page), a CV, and contact details for one reference must be submitted via the IWM’s online applications platform. The preferred language for the application is English. However, Ukrainian applications are also accepted.

Applications are now being accepted for the next round of grants. The deadline is 19 August 2024.

To submit an application, please use our online application platform, available here.

The jury is not required to publicly justify its decisions, nor to give individual feedback to applicants. Please note that by submitting an application you consent to the IWM sharing your application materials with outside experts for purposes of evaluation.

The support offer is designed for:

The support offer is available in: